Cheddar's...have you ever been there? OK, imagine being seated in a casual restaurant and being served these warm croissants, drizzled in a sweet butter concoction that melts in your mouth. To. Die. For.
These are really easy, not even a real recipe I suppose but I did actually make these a couple of times before I got it just right. See, the first time I thought it was more of an 'icing' situation, so I used powdered sugar to sweetened my butter. While it was tasty, it was definitely not right. It was a honey situation all the way.
I am not making homemade Croissants. Just isn't happening for me. I swear by the ones at Costco, so sue me. This will cover about 5 Croissants, 7 if you are stingy! Just double the recipes for more!
5 Tbsp butter
1 HEAPING Tbsp honey
Melt butter in microwave or in small sauce pan on the stove top. Add in honey once melted.
Heat croissants for 20 to 30 seconds in microwave. Drizzle OR drown them in your melted honey butter and experience these pillows of pure goodness melting in your mouth!