Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Easy No Bake Cheesecake

Hello friends great to see you again, it has been so long! If you've been here a while you know that I have a pretty severe eye condition and I've been going through some problems with that. Dealing with my dads passing, etc but I'm back!

As always there's a story here! I found a random recipe box. I have no idea where it came from. I have no idea where the recipes inside of it came from. It's in all different handwriting and I have absolutely no recollection of this. However, I did find some great recipes and I am going to share them with you! I did find a few that are my mom's recipes so there's that and I'm really excited to share those! So we'll call this the recipe box mystery!

This recipe is a classic no-bake cheesecake. It's a good one to stir things into to add toppings to and as long as you use a 10 inch crust there's plenty of room for all of that. It's just a great base recipe. It happens to taste delicious too! So let's get in to this super easy no bake cheesecake!

You will need:
1-8oz pkg cream cheese (room temp)
3/4 granulated sugar
1 T vanilla extract
1 small box instant vanilla pudding
1 pint heavy whipping cream(2 cups)
One 10-in graham cracker crust
Using a hand mixer or a stand mixer, mix all ingredients until well combined and smooth. (If you're going to stir in anything, this is where you will do it.) Pour into the graham cracker crust cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hrs.

Again, this can be made in a smaller crust or a homemade crust just make sure that if you want to top it and present it that way a 10-in crust works best!


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