Saturday, September 14, 2013

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

The winner of the T-fal and giveaway is.................
(tongue roll style drum roll please.......................)
Blessie you have 48 hours to contact me or a new winner will be selected!

I am so thankful to each of you for entering.  I hope that you will stick around, and continue following me, here, or any of my social media sites! 
I love giving you all things, to show you my appreciation for laughing with me, "lifing" with me, sharing your lives and families with me and COOKING WITH ME!
Enjoy a beautiful weekend!
Your "giddy" Chefwannabe


  1. Thank you so much! I am still in shock! But leaping in joy! I can't wait to have our first t-fal ever for our home! Our family thanks you, cookingplanit and t-fal for making all this possible! I am so proud to be a reader of the food thoughts of a chef wannabe blog and will be an avid reader always!

  2. Thank you for announcing the winner this way! Also thank you Blessie for acknowledging the win and Congratulations!
