
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Angel Hair Marifredo Pie

Yes, you read it right, "Marifredo".  New word for you?  Yea, new for me too.  There is a story about this.  I mean, isn't there ALWAYS a story?

We attended one of my nieces college grad parties in December.  The restaurant we went to was called Ragazzi's.  A pizza place, that we have become addicted too.  When they served our food and we SAW the pizza, we looked at each other and squelched in unison "BOARDWALK PIZZA"!!  No I am not kidding, we made a complete spectacle of ourselves.  Then my niece says, you have to try this "little slice of heaven".  What?  So she brings me a piece.  It appears. at first to like a lasagna form.  Nope, not lasagna.  You cut it and you can see it is spaghetti.  But it comes out in a piece.  I dunno, sue me but I hadn't seen anything like this really.  I mean,  I make Baked Spaghetti with Stuffed Meatballs, but this was so different.  It was so good, VERY rich but so good!  I made a plan and knew I had to try and recreate this!  You know some places won't give out a secret recipe, so we kept taking small bites, trying to figure out the ingredients.  Finally, I decided to go ask the manager.  I was ready to play the "I have horrible food allergies so can you tell me what is in it so I know if I can eat it or not" thing.  However, I decided that wasn't very good karma, so I just walked up to him and said, like a pathetic whiner, "is there any way you can tell me what is in this".  The gentleman kind of laughed and said, "what do you think is in it"?  I told him I thought it was alfredo sauce.  He grinned. and said, "yes, and eggs, and smoked provolone"  I couldn't believe the smoked provolone, I couldn't taste the smoked part at all and normally, I loathe smoked cheeses.  I told him my original plan, to play a poor allergy ridden person and he just laughed and said it was actually a good idea!  HA!

Though I have changed up the cheese, and had no exact recipe, I think I did the best with this that I could.  Would I call it an exact dupe of the real thing, eh, probably not, but would I called it an amazing crowd pleasing, soul warming, great for a crowd and best thing you have tasted in awhile?  Definitely.  Let's get to it. Thanks to Ragazzi's here in Omaha for the inspiration!

Btw...the name "marifredo", came from my husband.  We took days to think of a name for this dish!  Seriously!  We married "marinara" and "alfredo" and he blurted it out.  I loved it!  So enjoy your "marifredo"!!!

This recipe is a bit time consuming but not at all difficult.  Just make the alfredo sauce ahead of time so it can cool to room temp or near room temp before you start!

For the ALFREDO sauce you will need:
4 tbsp butter
4 tbsp flour
3 cups milk (any kind, use half and half if you like)
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

In a medium saucepan, over medium heat, melt butter and add in flour.  Whisk for a couple of minutes to cook out the raw flour taste and begin (while still whisking) adding your milk.  Continue whisking and bring to a boil.  At this time shut off the heat and add parm cheese, stir until melted and creamy.  Set aside and let come to room temperature or refrigerate until cooled.

For the rest of the recipe you will need:
1 lb angel hair pasta
1 cup shredded mozzarella + 1 cup for the top
5 eggs (lightly beaten)
3 cups of marinara sauce (homemade or jarred, just your favorite)
1/2 grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a 9x13 with nonstick cooking spray and set aside.  Boil pasta in a large pot of salted water.  Whatever the cooking time is, reduce it by 2 minutes.  When it is done, drain, and against everything you know is right, RINSE it in cold water until it has cooled down. 

In a bowl large enough to hold your mixture, add in cooked pasta, eggs, COOLED alfredo sauce, 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and using tongs or your clean hand, mix until completely combined. 

When you have it mixed, pour into 9x13 pan.  Put into the oven for 30 minutes.  After 30 minutes remove and top with marinara, spreading it to cover.  Remember you only want a thin layer!  Top with 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese and parm.  Put back in the oven for another 30-40 minutes until the center feels pretty firm when you touch it. 

Now, you MUST let this sit 15-20 minutes BEFORE serving.  I know, killer, but you just have to!

I hope you enjoy this recreation.  We sure did.  It is really rich so you will be able to feed an army with this pan!  It freezes AMAZINGLY and we did so by the slice.  Take it to work, or school for lunch!

Your "inventor the word Marifredo" Chefwannabe

PS.  Ok so maybe Geo helped me think of this word.  We spent days trying to name this dish!


  1. Awesome! I can't wait to make this! I think I have everything, maybe I will do it tomorrow for valentines! Thanks :)

  2. Marifredo sounds like a perfect name! Looks absolutely scrumptious!

  3. Looks delicious! Following you via GFC {from the Our Little Family Adventure Community Link}Have a great day !

  4. This reminds me of "pizza sketti" here in Michigan. We mix the spaghetti with eggs and parmesan cheese..that's the crust, then top with spag or pizza sauce and top with typical pizza toppings. Bake it up, let it stand, and eat. Good stuff. Yours looks interesting too. Just made some alfredo tonight..will have to try it with the leftovers ! Thanks!

  5. We are making extra angel hair this evening so i can make this Thursday ! :-)

  6. I made this tonight and added some shredded chicken to the marinara layer and my family loved it, Thank you for posting this recipe. :-)

  7. I'm doing this tonight but I'm tossing in alittle chopped broc..Thank you for a wonderful meal idea!

  8. I think it's the best name and wonderfully delicious!! Nettie

  9. Okay, do you know if this will freeze well? We have a lot of people coming to visit at the end of June and I'm looking for make ahead dishes since we will all be busy with Thunder In The Valley Motorcycle Rally and this dish sounds wonderful, but I'm not going to have a lot of time to prepare it during the rally. Thanks.

    1. Debra, though I have no ever frozen this, I really do not see why it wouldn't freeze nicely. Look up my Baked Ziti as well for a great make ahead and freeze, I do it all the time! Many of them will freeze well I just personally freeze ziti often!! Good Luck!

  10. Sounds delicious! Cant wait to try it.
